
Showing posts from 2010

Willows first road trip

I now know that Willow gets car sick! Ewwww... We packed up the bald dogs and one puff and headed to Grandpas house for Christmas in two cars. While there, I showed everyone how Willow responds to "yeah" (waving hands in the air). She goes nuts with happiness! Willow was very happy with everyone "yeahing" her. LOL it was a kick. But I had to make sure she was praised when she did something good!! Willow and her brother BB did pretty well with the trip. Poor Layah, she only has 3 good legs and had a hard time on the slick floors, so the humans were her hover crafts and transported her where she needed/wanted to be. I had two house/dog sitters. Thank you both! The dogs that stayed home were happy, healthy and the house still standing! On a sad note, my late Mothers 13 year old cat passed away on a rainy Christmas evening. The kids buried Smokey in the back yard. My Dad talked about "Mom" and her kitty in his broken speech. Smokey and Mom are together...

Happy 10 weeks!

The puppies are now 10 weeks old! Simba their sire's 5th birthday - December 8! ttfn

Lesson Three!

What's that sign? It's the sign for sit! I had to get used to holding the little flash clicker in my right hand, hold the treat in my left and form the ASL sign for sit! Very, very awkward but doable! I also had Rachel assist with the lesson. Rachel worked the clicker flash while I gave the sit command (much easier this way). When Willow sat I gave the sign and Rachel flashed the light. After a few minutes I was able to wait for her to stand and then give the sit sign and she would sit, Rachel would flash. That went very well. Then Rachel gave the sign. After a few failed attempts, Willow figured out that Rachel can give a sign and a flash/treat happens. Ended on a positive then played "yeah" (the sign for clapping) and Willow went nuts! For the next lesson...will be recapping the sit command and then moving to another room. ttfn

Lesson Two!

Todays lesson: Recap on what the "flash" means. She has that down! Take it to the next level. The flash will work if Willow has 4 on the floor. (the video clip is on the recap and 4 on the floor..I will try to get the sit on video next) The Sit:  Willow tried so many ways to get the light to flash. She ran around, hit the flash with her nose, jumped and pawed, then sat! Yeah!! Flash and treat! Now she had to figure out what she did to make it work! After a bit she thought she had to sit in a certain spot on the dog bed! Then she sat near me and the flash worked! She tried the dog bed again and near me again...Then she got it! So she just sat and refused to move looking at the flash and waiting! She got a jackpot with that! We ended on a good note! Sorry for the dark video...And I did try to change the music but failed!  ttfn

First lesson...what does that flash mean?

Clicker (flash) training... Not really a clicker but a little flash light. The key chain type that has a press/release button. No "on/off" switch. It's important  the "flash" is in her line of sight. Some of the big lessons she will learn is "watch me", "come", "sit", "wait", "stay", "leave it"...I know the signs for first 3 in ASL. First Lesson: What does that Flash mean?  Flash = yummy treat! I took Willow into a quiet room (no moving distractions) with dimmed light. She was one crazy puppy! And after a few "flash n treats" she started looking at the flash light then the hand that was giving the treats!  Once she gets the idea, solidly, that the flash means treat, I will start on commands. I used a hot dog cut into tiny bits! Then microwaved till warm, patted with a paper towel to soak up the grease. I tried store bought treats, they are small but not small enough! Willow is ma...

Quick Update

The trio are now 7 weeks old (yesterday). Just a quick update... The puppies love to go outside! Willow has amazed me and I will see if she keeps this up! After letting the pups back inside they had full run of living room/kitchen. I fed them and a short time later Willow is over by the back door pacing back and forth and stopping to paw at the glass. I ran over to let her out...she ran out, did her business and ran back in!! She has done this two times when she is not penned up in the kitchen!  The boys, Ember and BB (can't leave them out) are so sweet! They all give lots of kisses. Love to be on a lap to snuggle. Now to find homes for the two boys, sad I can't keep them.   ttrn.

Vet visit...

Was going to be "first vet visit", their first was when the pups had their dew claws removed. The pups outing to Dana Park Veterinary Hospital was uneventful which is a good visit! Waiting for our turn. The puppies were vaccinated and de-wormed today. Willow was a brave girl! The boys...well ... I can say they did much better than their aunts and uncles! Always moving!! Willow just off the scale..she weighed in at 1.9 lbs!! Yeah! She is over a pound now!! She is a small girl but she could still catch up with the way she eats! Brothers BB (2.9 or around there) and Ember (2.8 lbs). Ember the Puff looks to be the biggest but he is all fluff!!  Checking out heart and lungs Getting her heart and lungs checked out...all good!

Visit to the back patio...

Only the shadow knows... The puppies enjoyed their visit to back patio! Willow was the first to go down the steps and sniffed /looked around then headed back up. Later she went down again but went into the hydrangea bushes and lost sight of her pack so she started to whimper...her mama (Cherry) found her and led her back to the patio! It was wonderful to see that. The whole time I could see Willow. After the vet visit in the morning...going to drop Java off at the groomers for a shave. I already did her face, ears and nails. Working on "watch me". So the "watch me" didn't last long... Big brother...Ember (BB is actually bigger) Bald beauties.   Puppy in a pocket! Skyping with TEA. Willow likes to take a nap on my lap. She starts out snuggling on my throat. Her little tail wags when I talk or hum with her next to my throat.  She also starts giving lots of kisses.

Happy 6 weeks Puppies!

For my birthday (on the 8th) My daughter brought my Dad and 3 dogs to visit for the day. Had a full house! The wee pups got to meet three dogs and new people. They did wonderful! One of the visiting dogs was not so sure of the "bald" puppies! Later Kina didn't mind the bald ones. For their food, they are now getting soaked puppy food, no longer eating "mush".  For the nursing, they are maybe nursing one time a day. ttfn


Perfect timing..wrong camera position!! Lets see the tooth... Can't see my tooth just yet!! Willow with curls .

Tooth and dunk tank

Willow has a tooth!! Tried to get a picture of it last night. I won't describe have to "see" it!! I took photos, I have not looked at them yet to see if the tooth got in any of the photos. Ember has about 2 teeth and BB (BaldBoy) so far has "bumps" where a tooth will be. My goal for today is get a good shot of the tooth and next week is to get some good video of the puppies!! So far the water dish I leave for them ends up being a dunk tank or a wet smack down. Just need some mud.  (mud wrestling puppy style) The feeding of the soaked/blended puppy food is going great! I have been mixing it with the baby jar chicken and rice with goats milk and a bit of canned pumpkin. Their stools are good. Cherry nurses them 2-3 times a day at the most. ttfn

Puppy Video

Happy 5 weeks Birthday!

 The trio are now 5 weeks old! Bored with pups I moved them to the kitchen. The kitchen floor is easier to clean (I hate carpet and when I can I will replace it!)  During the moving process I let them run around the living room with the other dogs and the two cats. They inter-reacted well together. The cats were curious till they were bored. Stopped giving them the Esbilac 2nd Step, it wasn't agreeing with them. For now they are getting a mixture of puppy formula, human baby rice, human baby chicken and a bit of canned pumpkin. I will start adding blended kibble to the mixture in a few days. This is a slow process.

Cherry seems to be weaning the pups

Cherry is not wanting to stay with the puppies or let them nurse.  I have been leaving a bowl of fresh water all the time in the penned area and putting down puppy formula in a bowl for them after they have their mush. After their breakfast this morning, while I was changing their bedding and wee pads they had me laughing. They are attacking each other and acting all tough then fall over or trip over their own paws!! Willow and BaldBoy got tangled in my hair while I was leaning down giving Ember the Puff boy kisses and playing with him. Willow, after she got out of my hair gave me lots of kisses and did something her grandma does..rubbed her eyes/face against me, then did what her mom does..roll/melt over. This will be interesting if this stays with her as she grows! I hope to take photos of the puppies and of my daughter Rachel today (Rachel  is going to a Halloween party tonight). ttfn

Nothing new in puppy land

Nothing new to blog about (there is but not Willow or puppy related).   Willow, Bald Boy (he needs a name!!) and Ember the Puff.   Cherry Berry the mama.

New things for the pups

Today I purchased a new ex-pen, one with a door. Willow was climbing the gerbil fencing way too many times! While shopping for the pen I picked up some disposable pee pads (I have been using the re-usable type, and still will use them). I set up the pen in my bed room then laid down the puppy pee pads. I also took the door off a plastic crate and put a blanket in it and placed it in the pen,  with a couple of blankets out side the crate. The first time the boys ran (used loosely) across the wee pads; they stopped at the sound their little paws and backed off. Where as Willow just went on past them and turned around and egged them on. They gingerly followed her lead to cross the wee pads. Little at a time, introducing them to new sights, sounds, textures, temperatures.

Happy 4 Weeks Puppies!

Today the puppies are 4 weeks old! 2nd day of mush. The boys are still not into it like Willow. She chows down, while boys take a few licks then waddle off and snooze. I bought a new camera today. It's the most I have ever paid for a camera! (I get buyers remorse with anything over $100.) I charged it..I know, I know..not a good thing when I'm trying to get out of debt. I look at it as therapy. I was getting really depressed that I will not be able to take puppy photos or photos of anything except with a cell phone. I do have the video camera my daughter and son-in-law gave me, which I need to get out and charged for video of the puppies.  Photos of Willow and her brothers when I figure out how to use the much different than the old Canon AE1 from the 70's.  ttfn

Mountain climbing...

Get your attention? Not really a mountain as we know, but it was for Willow - a challenge. At 6 AM this morning (October 26, 2010) I was awaken by a little whimper. Turning on the bedside lamp, I saw Willow hanging over the top of the tiny gerbil pen/fencing I bought (last week) to keep her in! Well it seems the bars are "too" close together and she can climb! She saw me and went into happy mode. She gave me lots of kisses and snuggled on my neck. Her mama, Cherry Berry, was hiding under my covers in my bed. Cherry is at the point that I take care of Willow, she takes care of the boys! She really didn't seem bothered by Willow's predicament. The puppies are now sleeping with Cherry, after their warm milk snack. Wishing I had a nice camera that worked all the time instead of some of the time. "photo of gerbil fencing goes here" ttfn

First Mush

Sorry for the blurry photos..not the photographers fault (my daughter) it's the camera...more on that later. The puppies had their first Esbilac 2nd stage mush tonight, in the kitchen! Willow ate the most, and Ember, the puff boy, the least. They did seem to enjoy it and quickly took to lapping. Afterwards they got to chillax with their mom, Cherry Berry, for bit. All 3 puppies are now in their bed in my room for the night. This is the first time I have used a pre-made puppy mush. I usually made it by using puppy formula mixed with baby rice and then in a couple of days add baby chicken to the mixture. From there I start adding soaked puppy kibble, a little at a time. I am disappointed in my camera. I've had it for over 5 years, maybe 6. It's a point and shoot type and it no longer auto focus's, well it sometimes it does and most of the time no. I am looking into getting a digital SLR. I need a camera to capture little snippets in time.

Catching up

This is a catch up post on Willow a true hairless Chinese Crested who was born September 28, 2010. She is one of 3. She has 2 "big" brothers, Ember, a puff and a soon to be named true hairless brother. A little about Willow. Willow was born with out ear canals. She is a wild child. When awake she is not still! She has a hard time nursing so I have been supplementing her with a bottle. When she was tiny (still is) I would hold her snuggly in my shirt till she settled, before giving her the bottle. The first puppy formula I bought from Petsmart made her skin break out in bumps. So bought Esbilac puppy formula from the vets office. The bumps are almost gone (just a few left). When I had their dew claws removed (our vet uses a topical) I also had some of their skin tags removed (on the true hairless). Willow needed a few sutures (the kind use for eye surgery). My vet said even with their eyes still closed and ears..Willow could sense when he was about to insert the...